Korean Air Sep/Oct 2024 Extra Madrid Service

Published at 1200GMT 26JUN24

Korean Air on Monday (24JUN24) opened reservations for additional service on Seoul Incheon – Madrid route. The airline will operate extra flight on 18SEP24 and 02OCT24, with Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner.

KE913 ICN0955 – 1800MAD 789 247
KE8913 ICN1005 – 1800MAD 789 18SEP24
KE8913 ICN0955 – 1810MAD 789 02OCT24

KE914 MAD2000 – 1600+1ICN 789 247
KE8914 MAD2010 – 1610+1ICN 789 18SEP24
KE8914 MAD2105 – 1705+1ICN 789 02OCT24

Jim Liu

Jim previously launched and ran Airlineroute between 2007 and 2020, now owns and runs AeroRoutes.


Korean Air Schedules Taichung Sep/Oct 2024 Flights


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